It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
AFL-CIO to Planet Earth: Drop Dead
In sharp contrast to Richard Trumka and the AFL-CIO, some unions really want to restrain climate change and are now vocally opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Black Labor Organizers Urge AFL-CIO to Reexamine Its Ties to the Police
United Auto Workers have led a push for the AFL-CIO to dissolve its relationship with an international police union.
Unlike Corporations and Millionaires, Unions Disclose Midterms Dark Money
Not all dark money is the same – meaning the imbalance of disclosure requirements give corporations and wealthy individuals greater secrecy in elections than organized labor.
Labor On Offense: Congress Introduces Bill to Make Union Organizing A Civil Right
The Ellison-Lewis legislation would amend the National Labor Relations Act to give workers a range of legal options if they feel discriminated against for trying to form a union.
CEO's Made 331 Times As Much as Their Workers Last Year
In 2013, CEOs of S&P 500 companies made 331 times as much as their employees.
More Than Half Million Americans Enter Movement to Stop Trans-Pacific Partnership
The swift, social media-fueled campaign has been embraced by 120 organizations.
"Fight for 15" Strikes Demand Higher Pay
Nationwide "Fight for 15" strikes calling for higher pay have spurred a debate over what constitutes a living wage and helped shift the labor movement toward direct action.
Protesters Lock Down in D.C. Demanding Transparency for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Protesters concerned about the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership covered the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with banners calling for a democratic process and a release of the treaty’s text.
40,000-Member Longshore Workers Union Quits the AFL-CIO
In a surprise move, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced its disaffiliation from the AFL-CIO just a week before the federation is set to hold its national convention in Los Angeles.
U.S. Executive Pay Soars As "The Outrageous Has Become the Everyday"
According to figures released last week, 38% of the top-paid CEOs of U.S. companies over the past two decades were fired or headed companies that were either bailed out by taxpayers or forced to pay significant fraud-related fines.