It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
alternative currencies
For Economic Justice, Is It Time for Time Exchange?
Our Village Life’s exchange system lets people purchase and trade goods and services for time as well as money.
Money without Exploitation: An Interview with Bay Bucks Founder Chong Kee Tan
The Bay Area currency operates a commercial barter system – where businesses with unused inventory or excess capacity "deposit" their excess into an exchange, and “withdraw” other businesses’ excess goods and services instead of money.
The Solutions Are At Hand: Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons
Fascinating, creative initiatives around the world – from co-operative finance and crowdequity schemes to alternative currencies and reclaiming the public's control over money-creation – are emerging to strengthen the commons.
Radical Banking From Russia to Iceland to Ecuador
Global developments in finance and geopolitics are prompting a rethinking of the structure of banking and of the nature of money itself.
Another Money Is Possible, Part I: Will the ScotPound Succeed As A Parallel Currency?
The new digital currency for Scotland could stimulate local economies, create a level playing field for small businesses, and support social justice for all its citizens.
Witchhunt In Greece As Yanis Varafoukis Becomes First, and Biggest, Scapegoat
"Politicians and parties whom the electorate condemned for their efforts to turn Greece into a protectorate are now persecuting me. I wear their accusations as badges of honor."
Bitcoin, the Blockchain and the Decentralized Path Forward
The emerging blockchain movement can build systems that incentivize carbon reductions, make renewable energy, increase microfinance, decrease costs in remittances and education, and lower barriers to entries across industries.
Using Faircoins, A Worldwide Cooperative Stakes Out Ground for A New Economy
FairCoop aims to provide new, free, collaborative economic, social and technological tools for everyone, and will try to make sure they are used in a cooperative way for the creation and expansion of the commons worldwide.
California Passes Bill to Legalize Complementary Currencies
A community without dollars is not a community without wealth.T his basic insight lies at the heart of the community resilience movement.
The Commons Are Coming: A Rising Alternative to State and Market
Jeremy Rifkin's new book, "The Zero Marginal Cost Society," brings welcome attention to the Commons – which lies at the heart of a major cultural and social shift now underway.