President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
American Civil Liberties Union
Pay Up Or Go To Jail: How A Mississippi Town Resurrected the Debtors' Prison
A poor single mother is seeking justice against the city of Biloxi after she was imprisoned for not paying $400 in court fees.
The Drone Papers, Part II: The Kill Chain
Secret military documents obtained by The Intercept offer rare documentary evidence of the process by which the Obama administration creates and acts on its kill list of terror suspects overseas.
Former U.S. Detainees Sue Psychologists Responsible For CIA Torture Program
James Mitchell, John “Bruce” Jessen and their employees netted almost $85 million dollars in contracted fees from the CIA for executing a pseudoscientific plan to extract information from alleged terrorists.
New California Law Requires Police to Get a Warrant Before Accessing Your Data
Under the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law late last week, officers will have to convince a judge that there is enough probable cause to justify a digital data search.
Justice Department Places New Requirements On Cellphone Surveillance
Federal law enforcement officials will be routinely required to get a search warrant before using secretive and intrusive cellphone-tracking technology under a new DOJ policy announced last week.
D.O.J. and F.B.I. Admit No-Fly Lists Use "Predictive Assessments" – Not Hard Evidence
The filing before an Oregon federal judge represents the most direct acknowledgement to date that people aren't allowed to fly because of what the government believes they might do, and not what they've already done.
World's Youth See Snowden As a Hero – Making Surveillance Reform Inevitable
According to a worldwide poll, a large and important segment of global society sees Edward Snowden as hero and whistleblower — and its members are the future.
U.S. Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Restore Voting Rights to Ex-Convicts
The Democracy Restoration Act would end criminal disfranchisement currently on the books in 35 states – enabling nearly 4.4 million U.S. citizens with past convictions to vote after they're released from prison.
ACLU With Wikipedia Sue NSA Over Online Surveillance
The lawsuit alleges that the NSA's mass surveillance of internet traffic, often called "upstream" surveillance, violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
"A Line in the Sand" in Fight to Release Thousands of Photos of Prisoner Abuse
A federal judge is demanding that the government explain, photo-by-photo, why it can’t release hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of pictures showing detainee abuse by U.S. forces at military prison sites in Iraq and Afghanistan.