It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Act Out! [165] - Devaluing Survivors, Criminalizing Dissent & Creating Utopia
A backlog that's symptomatic of a patriarchal system that not only devalues women but devalues survivors of sexual assault.
Act Out! [144] - The Unknown Toll of Fossil Fuels on Native Women + Richard Wolff on Democratizing our Lives
From predator economics to co-ops, we take a look at how our current system pollutes not only the planet but marginalized communities through direct and pervasive violence.
Act Out! [119] - G20: View from the Streets + A Pipeline Fight from the Tree-Tops
We take you to the streets of the recent G20 protests in Hamburg where hundreds of thousands of people stood, sat and protested as law enforcement once again made clear who it is that cops are meant to serve and protect.
Act Out! [108] - If Money Worries Disappeared + Paying for (Climate) Change
We must work to become ungovernable, and this means building in our own communities and working with each other to fill the chasms made by a corporate and capitalist oligarchy.
Act Out! [88] - Stop Blaming Start Acting & What’s Next After Capitalism?
Looking at the road ahead, we gotta focus, think, unite and act.