It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
anti-corruption laws
Trump Takes a Stand For Corruption – By Withdrawing U.S. from Anti-Corruption Pact
Trump's hasty, under-reported move sent an unmistakable signal: corruption is tolerated if it helps line corporate pockets.
Tax Inspector's New "Common Man" Party Rides to Victory in Indian Capital
The Common Man party, whose members include a rickshaw driver, a lawyer and a TV actor, stunned political analysts and established parties when it won 28 out of 70 seats in local assembly elections in Delhi this month.
United Republic Poll: 72% of Americans Want Anti-Corruption Laws and Money Out of Politics
A new poll concludes more than 60 percent of Americans would strongly support a federal law that imposes tough, new campaign finance laws for politicians, lobbyists and super PACs.