It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
austerity policies
Keep Calm and Starve: UK Government Strips Poor Children of School Lunches
The new measure will leave any family with a net annual income of less than £7,400 unable to claim a free lunch for their children during a school day. Around 1 million children are likely to suffer from the cut.
Conservatives Make Us Sick: How Relentless Tory Austerity is Wrecking U.K. Healthcare
Hospitals throughout Britain have been operating in chaos in recent weeks, driven by a surge in admissions forcing up to 12-hour delays for patients being treated in emergency wards. A decade of harsh Tory austerity policies are to blame.
Louisiana Fiscal Hawks Are Driving Their State's Economy Into the Ground
The state’s credit rating has plummeted due to downgrades from all three major credit agencies over the last year and a half. In its March 2017 report, Moody’s pointed to Louisiana's financial uncertainty, driven by Republican austerity measures.
Tories' Spring Budget Aids Corporations, Punishes the Poor and Self-Employed
Among the biggest controversies of the spring budget was the announcement that tax will be increased for the self-employed, meaning cabbies, plumbers, gardeners and the like will have to pay significantly more in tax.
Confronting Crisis of Legitimacy, Scotland Could Break or Remake the European Union
To respect the democratic will of the both peoples, Scots and Northern Irish should be given the choice which union to stay in, Britain or Europe, with new referendums.
Europe’s Left After Brexit
Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis responds to his critics and lays out DiEM25’s plan for resisting within the European Union.
Europe’s Real Debate: Shall the People End or Transform the European Union? Part I
The message of Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 is simple: The continent must democratize, rapidly, or it will collapse into authoritarianism and fascism.
Europe Needs A Plan B: Radical Political Change Is Coming
With Yanis Varoufakis at the helm of a recent weekend gathering in Madrid, workshops and debates fed into a concluding statement that called for no less than a democratic revolution across Europe.
Labour Regained: A Revolution In U.K. Politics As Jeremy Corbyn Steps to the Helm
As the left-wing MP prepares to seize the reigns of his party, he is riding massive popularity on a mandate to reject austerity policies, make education free, re-nationalize the railways and energy companies, and rebuild universal healthcare.
Right to Strike In U.K. Jeopardized By New Anti-Union Bill
If you make the right to strike so much harder to realize, you change the balance of power between the employer and employee.