This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
Pan-European Resistance to Austerity Grows
The reality of how much Britain's government has given to bankers is phenomenal: the bailout is worth eight times the spending on healthcare, or 15 years worth of education funds.
Portuguese Joins Europe's Austerity Fight
Portugal was seen as a role model in the grinding euro zone crisis - until austerity triggered a recession.
Austerity: The 1%'s Global Battle Cry
The world economy is not in crisis because of debt. It's because too many have too little to buy what has been created.
Cities in the Red: Austerity Hits America
The European debt crisis and the ensuing austerity-fueled chaos can seem to Americans like a distant battle that portends a dark future. Yet a closer look reveals that the future is already here.
U.K. Lawmakers to Question Execs in Tax Dodging Probe
U.K. lawmakers will quiz executives of Starbucks, Google and Amazon about how they have managed to pay only small amounts of tax in Britain while racking up billions of dollars worth of sales.
In London, Activists Use Theater to Hammer Austerity and Elitism
London activists used satirical theatre to draw attention to an "obscene congregation of wealth and gluttony" ahead of the European international anti-austerity general strike that's shaking Europe.
Europe Braces for a Mega-Strike Against Austerity
On Wednesday, Europe’s largest unions will lead the first-ever internationally coordinated general strike against austerity.
Portland Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 1,000 Despite Police Violence
More than 1,000 people marched the streets in Portland, Oregon, against austerity cuts.
Portland to Protest Austerity
Community groups, Occupy Portland and unions including SEIU, CWA and Letter Carriers will march on Oregon's largest city Nov. 3 as they take aim at proposed government austerity cuts, and demand larger taxes on corporations and the wealthy.
In Britain, Austerity and Arrests as Government Curbs Right to Protest
Facing scores of arrests in recent months, activists' right to protest is under full assault by a British establishment busy imposing austerity on the people as it ignores any corporate and financial sector crimes.