It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
When Fighting For Your Home Becomes The Biggest Fight Of Your Life
"We know it is fraud. They know it is fraud. We look to anyone brave enough to stand up and defend the rights of the people," says homeowner defender Sherry Hernandez.
Putting Life Before Debt: The Global Rise of Citizen Debt Audits
The recent Life Before Debt conference in London showed not only how the rule of debt is being contested around the world, but the economic and real-life necessity for doing so.
Young Europeans Against Austerity Launch "Troika Party" to Run in 2014
“This type of campaigning will play a key role in bringing political messages to sectors of the population that are not yet politicized," says Spain's Emma Avilés, "contributing to the multi-level European struggle against the E.U. crisis regime.”
A Credit Union in Puget Sound Elects a Different Future
The Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union in Washington State has helped locals divest from JPMorgan Chase and now holds $30 million of the community's assets.
Taking Over, Taking Back: Breaking Doors Down to Open Homes Up
The short documentary by filmmakers Jessica Murphy and Elissa Nadworny highlights the work of the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign, a coalition of homeowners, renters and houseless people organizing to take over vacant, bank-owned houses.
Germany's Euroskeptic "Alternative Party" Leads Fringe Heading into Sunday Elections
Alternative for Deutschland's success stems from its leaders exploiting Euroskepticism among Germans who feel their wealthy, productive country is unfairly shouldering the burden of economic growth in the E.U.
Armageddon On Wall Street: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
The shadow banking system is propped up by a hidden government guarantee known as safe harbor status, pushed through by Wall Street, which has created perverse incentives for the financial system to self-destruct.
"Occupy Finance" Book Launches on #S17 the 2nd Anniversary of Occupy Movement
The elements of the next crisis are being put in place at this very moment by some of the same people and institutions that brought us the last one. In the meantime, we've seen no reckoning, no apologies and no serious changes to the laws.
Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted and Busted
Nearly 40 percent of the highest-paid CEOs in recent decades eventually needed to be rescued, fired or jailed. This analysis reveals widespread poor performance within America’s elite CEO circles.
Ellen Brown: The Leveraged Buyout of America
Giant banks are buying up our country’s infrastructure, the power and supply chains that are vital to the economy. Aren’t there rules against that?