It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Bank for International Settlements
One Bank To Rule Them All: Exposing the Bank for International Settlements, Part III
In the current age of austerity, the question remains: how much devastation will result from the influence wielded by the BIS and the decisions that it made?
A Bank To Rule Them All: Exposing the Bank For International Settlements, Part II
The idea for an international bank had already been explored to some extent by people like the economist John Maynard Keynes. But the idea for the bank truly took off during the Young Conference in 1929, when the Allies were attempting to exact Germany’s reparations debts for WWI.
One Bank to Rule Them All: Exposing the Bank for International Settlements, Part I
While its purpose has changed and evolved over the decades, the BIS has always been a club for central bankers – one that has aided some countries more than others.
Witchhunt In Greece As Yanis Varafoukis Becomes First, and Biggest, Scapegoat
"Politicians and parties whom the electorate condemned for their efforts to turn Greece into a protectorate are now persecuting me. I wear their accusations as badges of honor."
When Too Big To Fail Fails: The Scheme To Seize Depositors' Money
Unprosecuted, unreformed, unregulated and unrepentant, Wall Street parties on – and the money we thought was our own, protected in our checking and savings accounts, could be taken in an instant.
Rising to the Top: 5 Stunning Facts About Our Vanishing Middle Class Wealth
With the 1% raking it in like never before, people in the U.S. and around the world are being rapidly divided into two classes: the well-to-do and the lower-income majority.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty, Architects of Austerity
From Jean-Claude Trichet and Mario Draghi to Jaime Caruana and Kenneth Rogoff, proponents of austerity politics run in some of the world's elite circles where they have pushed illogical and unsuccessful economics to its inevitable conclusion.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty and Its Methods of Financial Governance
What makes the G30 so important is not only that they are taken seriously by policymakers and market "participants" – but that the very individuals making the recommendations are in positions of power to directly implement or support those recommendations.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty and the "Good Discussion" They're Still Having
Emerging from the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1970s, the Group of Thirty was designed as a think tank, lobby/industry group and, ultimately, a consensus-building institution for the global elites – to ensure that they stayed that way.
Global Power Project: Central Bankers and the Institute of International Finance, Part 3
The relationship between the powerfully connected Institute of International Finance and global central bankers goes well beyond the timid attempts at “regulation” on the part of global banks, as this third segment in the IFF series reveals.