It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Seeds of Change: Corporate Power, Grassroots Resistance and the Battle For the Food System
Despite the power wielded by agribusiness giants that quash legislation designed to protect consumer and farmer interests against genetically modified foods, the global resistance is growing.
Unstoppable: America's Growing Food Safety Movement
Despite the overwhelming popularity of labeling, Congress refused to act – so citizens took up the cause in their own states.
Victory in Vermont Pushes Monsanto and Big Foods on the GMO Defensive
The Vermont Senate passed a bill to require labeling on all GMO foods sold in the state – signaling a wave of nationwide victories against the Gene Giants may be underway.
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.
Kauai County Council Overrides Mayor's Veto to Approve Historic GMO Bill
After a cunning political maneuver, the Council overrode Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho’s veto of Bill 2491, forcing big ag companies to disclose when and where they spray pesticides and what genetically engineered crops they grow on Kauai.
Will Hawaii’s Big Island Ban GMO Farming?
The Big Island of Hawaii County Council will consider a bill that would prohibit open-air growing of genetically modified organisms and end biotech experiments on the island.
Moms For Labeling Fined $10,000 in Washington's GMO Showdown
A group of mothers has been fined $10,000 for suing the Grocery Manufacturers Association for its violation of state campaign finance laws.
Major Corporations Drop GMOs in Europe, But Keep Feeding Them to the U.S.
Corporations like Kellogg, Pepsi, Kraft, Coke and Heinz will now drop GMO foods from their European products, while leaving GMO-sourced food in the U.S. supply. Don't Americans deserve to eat GMO-free food too?
Monsanto and Big Food Pull Out the Big Guns, Challenging Washington's GMO Labeling Law
As the Washington State I-522 campaign to label genetically modified organisms in food products is gaining steam, Big Ag and Biotech are taking the battle for consumers' hearts and minds to the next level.
In Europe, March Against Monsanto Is Latest Rejection of the GMO Giant
Momentum is building across Europe, country by country and region by region, to outlaw the biotech giant.