There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Ben Bernanke
Ben Bernanke Admits Wall Street Execs Should Have Been Jailed
The former Fed chair says that, in addition to banks and corporations paying billions in fines for their illegal activities that triggered the economic meltdown and Great Recession, individuals should have also been held accountable.
Even the Council on Foreign Relations Says It's Time to Rain Money on Main Street
When an article appears in Foreign Affairs recommending that the Federal Reserve do a money drop directly on the 99%, you know the central bank must be down to its last bullet.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty, Financial Crisis Kingpins
"I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that," wrote Lawrence Summers while serving as Chief Economist at the World Bank. He is now in the G30.
Amend the Fed: We Need a Central Bank that Serves Main Street
December 23 marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, prompting growing calls to audit or end the Fed. At the least Congress needs to amend it — modifying the Federal Reserve Act to allow the central bank to carry out its mandates.
A Film About the Fed, Funded by the Mortgage Crisis
As millions of Americans invested in new homes in the mid 2000's, filmmaker Jim Bruce was already investing in the housing market's implosion.
Wall Street's Highest Executives at Goldman, Treasury and FED Implicated By Citigroup Whistleblower
Hank Paulson and Robert Rubin are among the corporate executives / government leaders threatened by Richard Bowen's truth-telling, which is why the former Citibank Executive's story of criminal injustice hasn't made it out.
Ellen Brown: The Leveraged Buyout of America
Giant banks are buying up our country’s infrastructure, the power and supply chains that are vital to the economy. Aren’t there rules against that?
We’re All Still Hostages to the Big Banks
Five years after the Lehman Brothers collapse, banking lobbyists have blocked essential reforms at every turn.
Collateral Damage: QE3 and the Shadow Banking System
Rather than expanding the money supply, quantitative easing has actually caused it to shrink by sucking up the collateral needed by the shadow banking system to create credit.
Quantitative Crisis: Bernanke's "Stimulus" For the 1%
The Fed's stimulus policies, expressed in the form of Quantitative Easing, amount to one of the most expensive forms of corporate welfare in history.