We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Bill Moyers
Occupy Radio: Rolling Rebellion for Real Democracy, with Bill Moyer
The Backbone Campaign has been fomenting art activism in communities around the country.
Wheels In Motion: A Rolling Rebellion For Real Democracy In the USA
The first step is a week of actions across the country in July.
The New Hampshire Rebellion and Lawrence Lessig’s March to End Corruption
The Harvard constitutional scholar and activist says his recent 185-mile trek is encouraging voters to ask every presidential candidate who soon will be haunting the Granite State how they will end the system of corruption in Washington.
Anti-Pipeline Leader Warns Obama, for Planet and Own Legacy, to “Say No to Big Oil“
Last week, Bill Moyers spoke with Bill McKibben about his hopes that Americans will collectively pressure Obama to stand up to Big Oil.
Why Social Transformation Is a Lot Closer Than You May Realize
By understanding the current stage of our social movement's development, we can better define the work that must be done to achieve success and predict how the power structure and public will react to our actions.
Yves Smith and Dean Baker on Secrets in Trade: What Is The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
A U.S.-led trade deal is currently being negotiated that could increase the price of prescription drugs, weaken financial regulations and even allow partner countries to challenge American laws. But few know its substance.
Corporate Gold on the Fiscal Cliff
Big money buys big influence, which is why the financiers of Wall Street never truly experience regime change.
Washington’s Revolving Door Is Hazardous to Our Health
We’ve seen how Washington insiders write the rules of politics and the economy to protect powerful special interests. But as we enter the holiday season we’re getting a refresher course in just how that inside game is played.
ALEC in the Hotseat
After numerous company defections in the past year, the uber-right wing American Legislative Exchange Council was confronted by an energized coalition of activists at its yearly summit in Salt Lake City.