The way the urban commons create a space to solve material problems and enable social movements to forge city-wide networks are antidotes to people being attracted towards the far-right.
biotech industry
As the War on Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be the Big Winner?
With the cannabis industry predicted to generate over $13 billion by 2020, there should be little doubt that companies like Monsanto are simply waiting for Uncle Sam to remove the herb from its current Schedule I classification before getting into the business.
Spinning Food: New Report Shows Industry Spends Billions Getting Us To Eat Unhealthy
Food industry front groups and covert communications teams sponsored are going to unprecedented lengths – and deploying an ever wider array of PR tactics – to make sure consumers keep buying unhealthy products.
Pressured By Monsanto, Europe Backtracks On GMOs As Food Fight Shifts
Under planned legislation, expected to be finalized in March, E.U. member states would not be able to block the planting of GMOs through use of domestic health or environmental regulations.
Unstoppable: America's Growing Food Safety Movement
Despite the overwhelming popularity of labeling, Congress refused to act – so citizens took up the cause in their own states.
Wave of GMO Labeling Victories Emboldens States-Led Movement for Food Sovereignty
The East Coast has been getting attention for the state-by-state effort to label genetically-engineered food.
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.