There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Birgitta Jonsdottir
Iceland, A Land of Vikings, Braces for a Pirate Party Takeover
The party that could be on the cusp of winning Iceland’s national elections on Saturday didn’t exist four years ago.
Cracks in Capitalism, Part IV: Hacking the Future Iceland-Style
In Iceland, the Panama Papers may push hackers to lead the country's next coalition government – because in the eyes of many, this networked revolution is only getting started.
America's Kangaroo Justice: Welcome to The Post-Constitutional Era
Our corporate masters, unchecked by state power and dismissive of the popular will, do not see the fires they're igniting – and the Supreme Court's refusal to hear Hedges v. Obama is a signpost on the road to dystopia.
Anarchist and Parliamentarian, Iceland's Birgitta Jónsdóttir Talks Big E-Revolution
“I am a hacker within the system,” says the former Wikileaks collaborator.
Fighting the Surveillance State: An Interview with Iceland's Birgitta Jonsdottir
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden represent just the tip of the iceberg of a popular resistance that is challenging the U.S. government’s excesses in surveillance, says the Icelandic MP.
Constitutional Uprising: Thousands Join "Restore the Fourth" Protests on July 4th
Thousands will be gathering in dozens of cities on the 4th of July, as "Restore the Fourth" protests demand an end to unconstitutional governmental surveillance programs that violate the 4th Amendment.
Five Ways the U.S. Can Have an Icelandic Revolution
Iceland crowdsourced its new constitution. Can we follow in its footsteps?
Saving Our Economy With Public Banking
Public banking could be the antidote to free us from our dependency on Wall Street and put monetary power in the people's hands.
From Italy to Iceland, the Promise of Digital Direct Democracy
Movement power — and parliamentary political power — is building across Europe as people harness online organizing tools.