It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Capturing Minds: Is There Life After Facebook?
The new crypto-social network Minds allows for the same level of high-functioning interaction as Facebook, but a big difference is that it is completely open-source, decentralized and user-owned.
Act Out! [145] - The Crypto Conversation and How We Think of Money
This week on Act Out!, cryptocurrency: a hot issue that's still shrouded in mystery for many.
Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Revolution in Banking?
Central Bank Digital Currencies could supplant the money now created by private banks.
Act Out! [35] - Fight the system with Bitcoin and Marijuana
This week we're switching things up a bit but giving you no less ammo for your activism. First up, let's talk bitcoin and crypto-currency – why you should & how-to. Next up, Kevin Zeese has been on the front lines of marijuana politics for 30 years.
Bitcoin, the Blockchain and the Decentralized Path Forward
The emerging blockchain movement can build systems that incentivize carbon reductions, make renewable energy, increase microfinance, decrease costs in remittances and education, and lower barriers to entries across industries.
Why A Conviction in the Silk Road Trial Could "Put A Chill On the Internet"
The government aims to prove that Ross Ulbricht is the man behind the online persona Dread Pirate Roberts, the administrator of the Silk Road online black marketplace.
Using Faircoins, A Worldwide Cooperative Stakes Out Ground for A New Economy
FairCoop aims to provide new, free, collaborative economic, social and technological tools for everyone, and will try to make sure they are used in a cooperative way for the creation and expansion of the commons worldwide.
Owning is the New Sharing
People are tired of seeing their communities treated like commodities, and they're looking for ways to build platforms of their own.
California Passes Bill to Legalize Complementary Currencies
A community without dollars is not a community without wealth.T his basic insight lies at the heart of the community resilience movement.
New Europe-Wide Project Uses Decentralized Tools for Democratic Empowerment
D-CENT is creating privacy-aware tools and a social networking platform for large-scale economic empowerment, citizen collaboration and participatory decision-making.