It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Black Panther Party
Act Out! [106] - Black Panthers: Fight and Build & the Poor and Poisoned
After dissecting some recent racist bigotry, we talk to former Black Panther Kiilu Nyasha about racism, systemic corruption and the past and present of pointed fight and build activism.
What Does Black Lives Matter Want? We Now Have It In Writing
After a year of planning, members of the movement have released a comprehensive platform.
Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group
In recent weeks, the Southern Poverty Law Center has received a number of requests to name Black Lives Matter a hate group. In our view, these critics fundamentally misunderstand the nature of hate groups and the BLM movement.
Latinos, Police Brutality and the Blame Game
Is the media to blame for Latinos’ absence in the debate about police-community relations?
In Black Lives Matter's shift to economic issues, echoes of Black Panthers
Nearly two years after people took to the streets in Ferguson to protest the killing of Michael Brown, the nationwide movement has broadened its focus to community empowerment in ways reminiscent of the Black Panthers of the 60s.
Former Black Panther Launches Urban Farm Giving Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start
Veteran activist Elaine Brown is determined to transform a once-blighted, under-resourced neighborhood in Oakland, Calif., into a thriving urban farm business that employs former offenders.
Why Black Lives Matter Needs the Black Panthers
A half century ago, activists were demanding not only the recognition that black lives matter but also the right to black power.
Could The Civil Rights Movement Have Happened In Today's Militarized Police State?
Can peacefully exercising First Amendment rights create lasting change if police have weaponry and, apparently, legal authority to immediately and violently disperse crowds?
The Black Panther Past Reborn
The Panthers, who celebrated a reunion in northern California, have no blueprint for protest except to preserve their own history and to encourage today's young people. Their unfolding story of rebellion, resistance and revolution continues.
Spying on Americans: A Very Old Story
There is nothing new about political surveillance. In the United States, political spying by the federal government began in the early part of the twentieth century.