It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Black Panthers
Act Out! [150] - Expensive Bombs & Toilet Paper + the Gun Talk We’re Not Having, But Need To
Taxes are right around the corner so we felt it an apt time to talk about some of the big winners on tax day. Spoiler alert: It's not you and me.
The F.B.I.’s Black Phantom Menace
In a report that was never supposed to be made public, but was on Oct. 6 by, the F.B.I.’s Counterterrorism Division has concluded that there is a real threat from the “black identity extremist” movement.
In Black Lives Matter's shift to economic issues, echoes of Black Panthers
Nearly two years after people took to the streets in Ferguson to protest the killing of Michael Brown, the nationwide movement has broadened its focus to community empowerment in ways reminiscent of the Black Panthers of the 60s.
Former Black Panther Launches Urban Farm Giving Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start
Veteran activist Elaine Brown is determined to transform a once-blighted, under-resourced neighborhood in Oakland, Calif., into a thriving urban farm business that employs former offenders.
Documents Show Feds Regularly Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters Nationwide
The reports confirm social media surveillance of the movement and related events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York – including watching over vigils, parades and other benign gatherings.
Why Black Lives Matter Needs the Black Panthers
A half century ago, activists were demanding not only the recognition that black lives matter but also the right to black power.
Could The Civil Rights Movement Have Happened In Today's Militarized Police State?
Can peacefully exercising First Amendment rights create lasting change if police have weaponry and, apparently, legal authority to immediately and violently disperse crowds?
The Persecution of Lynne Stewart
The near total collapse of our judicial system, wrecked in the name of national security and “the war on terror,” is encapsulated in the saga of this courageous attorney.
Chicago Dispatch: Vets Toss Medals of Honor, Call NATO Summit a Disgrace
“I'm doing this here, now, because our enemy is not overseas, our enemy is in the corporate boardrooms, right over there in those NATO conference rooms, right here at home,” said a veteran.