It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Booz Allen Hamilton
Secretive Airspace: Private Companies Are Now At the Heart of U.S. Drone Warfare
America's overstretched military has hired hundreds of private-sector contractors to analyze top-secret video feeds and help track suspected terrorist leaders – a secretive industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Exposing The United States of Secrets
How did the government come to spy on millions of Americans?
Spying on "Terrorists Abroad," Suppressing Dissent at Home: When We Become the Hunted
If you're wondering why the ongoing revelations about the development and use of a massive public and private surveillance complex should be of concern to you, read this interview.
Edward Snowden Is Not the Story — the Fate of the Internet Is
The mainstream media's focus on Edward Snowden has trumped the real story — which is what the NSA revelations tell us about how our networked world actually works and the direction in which it is heading.
Global Power Project, Part 6: Banking on Influence With Bank of America
Bank of America and others continue to get "backdoor bailouts" through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which acts as a legal guarantor and protector of the Wall Street chain gang of criminal conglomerates.
Edward Snowden: The Truth About U.S. Surveillance Will Emerge
In a live Q&A with Guardian readers from a secret location in Hong Kong, Snowden hinted at more disclosures to come and that their publication could not be prevented by his arrest or – more chillingly – his death.
Outsourcing Big Brother: How the FBI and CIA Use Private Contractors to Monitor Social Media
Companies like Palantir Technologies Inc, Booz Allen Hamilton and i2 are mining your Facebook and Twitter data to discern whether you're a terrorist, have ties to terrorists — or maybe just have the potential to someday become one.
Storing Data, Burning Carbon: The Ecology of a National Security State
The indiscriminate and warrantless collection of personal data from millions of people not only violates the U.S. Constitution — the data farms are also an extreme waste of water and electricity.
NSA Spying Extends to Contents of U.S. Phone Calls
The National Security Agency disclosed in a secret Capitol Hill briefing that thousands of analysts can listen to domestic phone calls, e-mail and text messages.
NSA Leak Revives Ethical Questions on Private Security Contractors
The Edward Snowden affair exposes the role of using contractors in intelligent work.