It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Boston Marathon bombing
Report: Government Agents "Directly Involved" In Most High-Profile U.S. Terror Plots
The study released Monday by Human Rights Watch raises questions about the criminal justice system's ability to respect civil rights and due process since 9/11.
Boston PD's New Assault Rifles Raise Serious Questions About Paramilitarized Police
“Do we want police officers who are sent out into our streets to be trained as if — and equipped as if — the people they encounter on their patrols are enemy hostile targets, as if in a war?”
EXPOSED: Snowden Leaks $52B "Black Budget" Summary Detailing U.S. Spying Efforts
The 178-page budget summary for the National Intelligence Program describes the successes, failures and objectives of 16 U.S. spy agencies, mapping a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny.
Boston Bombing Secrecy: Why Are So Many Court Documents Sealed and Out of Public View?
Judges are supposed to publicly explain their reasons for sealing documents and court proceedings, but that does not appear to be happening for the warrants and many court filings issued in the Boston marathon bombing case.
NSA Surveillance, the Occupy Movement and Defending Our Constitutional Rights
Our government has gone beyond its obligations to uphold the law and is blatantly violating constitutional freedoms.
Terracide and the Terrarists: Destroying the Planet for Record Profits
It’s time to talk bluntly about the terrarists of our world: the men who run giant energy companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP and Shell.
The Wrong Men: How the DHS Failed to Prevent Terrorism
When they should have been investigating Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s extremist ties in 2011, Homeland Security and the Boston Police were busy collecting information on peaceful antiwar activists from Code PINK and Veterans for Peace.
Privacy or Security: Do We Only Get To Pick One?
After the Boston Marathon bombing, 61 percent of Americans said they were more concerned about the government enacting new anti-terrorism policies that would restrict their civil liberties.
Teenagers, Social Media, Terrorism — and the Price for a "Free Society"
Authorities are leaning toward zero tolerance of teenagers who fling around online threats about acts of violence or terrorism, and what might have once merited a slap on the wrist may today result in criminal charges.