It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Bradley Manning
"Anything To Say?" Statue of Snowden, Assange, Manning Honors Whistleblowers In Berlin
“They have lost their freedom for the truth, so they remind us how important it is to know the truth."
WikiLeaks Reveals Secret Global Trade Deal for Corporations to Operate with Impunity
The Trade in Services Agreement would make it easier for transnational corporations to make huge profits without complying with national laws.
A New Foundation Called Courage: Defending the Truth and Those Who Tell It
In Berlin on Wednesday, a new international organization launched with the purpose of ensuring safety and legality for whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.
Popular Resistance: Tasks of the People-Powered Movement in 2014
We are often told by those who want reform that the solution we are urging is “not on the table.” We must refuse to accept this.
Courage Is Contageous: Renowned Whistleblowers Address the Post-Snowden World
The unprecedented persecution of truth-tellers, initiated by the Bush administration and severely accelerated by Obama, has been mostly ignored while record numbers are charged with serious felonies for letting their fellow citizens know what's going on.
How Defending Private Intelligence Firm Collaborators Screws Grassroots Activists
Collaborating with such an insidious firm is bad enough, but defending that collaborator in spite of all the evidence that’s been made public is irresponsible and potentially hazardous to activists in the long run.
Radical Transparency: A Call to Amend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Democracy dies behind closed doors. That's why we need an amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, stripping our governments of the right to lie to citizens.
Bradley Manning to Request Pardon from Obama Over 35-Year Jail Sentence
The sentence was more severe than many observers expected, and is much longer than any punishment given to previous U.S. government officials who have leaked information to the media.
Protect Journalists and Whistleblowers: Amend or Repeal the Espionage Act
To treat government employees or contractors who leak classified information to the media in the public interest as foreign spies is a deep stain on our democracy. And it's high time to permanently remove this stain.
Memo from Oslo: If Peace Is Prized, a Nobel for Bradley Manning
Opening heart and mind to moral responsibility, Bradley Manning lifted a shroud and illuminated terrible actions of America's warfare state.