We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Brexit failure
Jeopardizing Britain's Wealth and Welfare, Brexit Had To Lose
The rejection of a no-deal left the government crestfallen as its attempt to keep control of the Brexit process by maintaining a no-deal on the table was quashed.
Britain's Second Chance: After All-Out Brexit Failure, Will the U.K. Vote Again?
On Tuesday, U.K. Parliament rejected – by a whopping total of 149 votes – Prime Minister Theresa May's last-minute compromise plan with the E.U. on the proposed deal, possibly spelling the end of Brexit.
Brexit Rebellion Deepens After a Chaotic Year of Failed Negotiation
In an awkward and disconcerting backlash last month, the Democratic Unionist Party told Downing Street that any Brexit agreement that gave Northern Ireland a separate trade regime from the rest of Britain would endanger the U.K. government.