President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
carbon emissions
Climate Change Economics and the Global Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement
As of September 19, 181 institutions and local governments and 656 individuals representing over $50 billion in assets have pledged to divest from fossil fuels.
Citing Security Threats, U.S. Military Lays Out Plans to Cope With Climate Change
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s increasingly prominent role in pushing for a new global climate change treaty is a sign of how urgent the issue has become.
Why the Battle Against the Tar Sands Is About to Change
Over the past few months, resistance to the tar sands has not only grown in leaps and bounds – it is changing the dynamics of the entire fight in Canada and beyond.
150 Protesters Disrupt Coal And Rail Operations In Southeast Australia
Activists chained themselves to access points at the Maules Creek project as others scaled the coal loader at the Werris Creek mine, and one protestor climbed a tripod to block mining access.
Global Indigenous Groups Converge On New York to Demand Climate Action
Patricia Gualinga, a Kichwa woman from the Sarayaku community in the Ecuadorean Amazon, traveled more than 3,000 miles to push world leaders gathering at the United Nations.
The Coming Climate Revolt: Why Today's Generation Must Take the Helm
The corporate elites will not veer from our path towards ecocide unless they are forced from power – and this means the beginning of a titanic clash between our corporate masters and ourselves.
March For Climate – Then Join U.S. Frontlines Of Carbon Resistance
We must shift the national plan of action – taking the climate justice fight to the extraction hot spots, from Appalachia to Alaska and from the heartland to the coastal rigs and carbon export terminals.
Why We March: Tired Of Winning the Argument and Losing the Fight for the Planet
It’s the first time one century has wrecked the prospects of the millennia to come, and it makes us mad enough to march – for those generations yet to come, our children, grandchildren, and their children.
People’s Climate March and the New Democratic Economy We're Building
The solution to climate change is a system change – grounded in human rights and ecological stewardship, where communities and workers are in charge of investment priorities ensuring the right to live and work with dignity.
An Australian's Call to Action: Reclaim the Climate Movement
This weekend I won’t be marching for the climate, but I won’t be sitting around doing nothing either – I’ll be at the sixth annual Australian Climate Action Summit in Queensland delivering some inconvenient truths.