There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
10 Groups Building a Grassroots Movement for Economic Justice
From the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to Occupy Our Homes, these groups are galvanizing communities to action nationwide.
More Student Debt and Less Payback, Especially for Women
Women earn less than men in virtually every occupation, from business to medicine to the arts, but pay the same amount to go to school, making any outstanding loans a larger repayment burden.
The Republican War on Food Stamps Is a Class War on America
Like many of the nearly 50 million Americans currently living below the poverty line, Bianca Rodriguez makes ends meet by cobbling together food stamps.
Congress Approves Large-Scale Cuts to Food Stamps Program
The Senate voted to pass a $500 billion farm bill that increases subsidies for bio-ag giants like Monsanto while slashing billions from the program which feeds the hungry.
Senate Cuts Taxes for the Rich While Raising Taxes on Working Families
The Senate GOP plan to preserve the Bush tax cuts on incomes above $250,000 already amounts to a budget-busting tax cut for the rich - in addition, it would eliminate the estate tax, costing billions in revenue and giving a huge tax cut to the very wealthiest Americans.