It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Act Out! [182] - Amazon IS The Government, No Press for Nobel Winner & Post-Hurricane Updates
This week on ActOut!, Amazon gets cozy with the CIA, DHS and ICE... Dezeray Lyn joins the show again—to talk about the situation on the ground in both North Carolina and Florida...
Act Out! [162] - Inside the C.I.A., Facial UnRecognition & Bills for Blue Lives
Facial recognition is here, but far from being the slick Bond-style tech of tomorrow, it can't seem to recognize faces very well—and it's the hands of the untrained and apparently senile.
Act Out! [153] - The Torturous Truth About Some Women in Power + How to Rid Your Community of Cops
This week on Act Out!, March is Women's History Month – and while it's always a good idea to recognize the powerful role of women in the fight for justice, not all women who have power wield it well – or deserve our pride and recognition.
Act Out! [138] - A Sanctuary from Depressing Consumerism
This week on Act Out!, we're in the midst of consumerism's high point, fresh off the heels of black Friday steals, sliding towards the most ironically plastic holiday of the year.
Act Out! [136] - Cuba: What You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know
This week on Act Out!, I'll introduce you to some people and facts you never knew about Cuba, lifting the veil on a vilified island that has suffered greatly from U.S. empire.
Act Out! [105] - What Vault 7 Means For You & Become a War Tax Resister
This week on Act Out, you may have heard: the CIA could be listening to your phone conversations, recording your Skype calls, and even spying on you through your TV.
Act Out! [95] - Party Like it’s 1984 with the New Ministry of Truth & How Your Backyard Can Save the Bees
This week on Act Out!, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength—and it's still Russia's fault.
Fake News and False Flags: Pentagon Paid British PR Firm $500M for Top Secret Iraq Propaganda
Bell Pottinger’s output included short TV segments made in the style of Arabic news networks and fake insurgent videos which could be used to track the people who watched them, according to a former employee.
Act Out! [73] - Battling Big Brother & The Man; The Surveillance State & Protester’s Rights
This week, as the DNC rages on, we're talking state surveillance – digging deep into the past and present with surveillance expert, Chip Gibbons from Defending Dissent.
Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools To Track and Kill Activists, Part III
Arizona State University’s Defense Department-sponsored data-mining algorithms would enhance CIA "signature" drone strike targeting.