It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Conrad Jaeger
Techtivist Report: Beware the Spy in Spam
Pope Francis had barely donned his new white robes before cybercriminals were targeting his flock with spam emails and social media posts in a bid to suck money out of their bank accounts.
Techtivist Report: New Copyright Alert System to Drive Sharers Underground
The CAS, backed by Time Warner, Verizon, Comcast, AT&T - and the U.S. government - will disrupt Internet access for copyright violators.
Techtivist Report: U.K. Warned - CIA Will Access All Government Data
U.S. intelligence agencies will soon be able to trawl through all British government documents stored online thanks to an unchallenged amendment to a spy law in Washington.
Techtivist Report: Obama Launches Global Assault on the Cloud
U.S. intelligence agencies have been given carte blanche to monitor activists, journalists, politicians and others across Europe and elsewhere following an amendment to a spy law that legalizes “heavy-calibre mass-surveillance” of Cloud data.
Techtivist Report: How to Hide Online
News that the FBI is closely monitoring Occupy activists means we should all take extra precautions in our online activities. Here are 10 easy ways to keep the security services and corporate interests off your back.
Techtivist Report: Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They Aren't After You
If you are actively involved in the Occupy Movement, there is a good chance that you're under surveillance.
Techtivist Report: "Black Box" Surveillance Gets ITU Backing
Plans to adopt a global standard to make it easier for governments and corporations to intercept all our Internet traffic were “quietly endorsed” at the International Telecommunications Union meeting in Dubai last week.
Techtivist Report: Making Your Smartphone 007 Smart
The smartphone in your pocket can become a high-tech activist tool and counter-surveillance device, allowing you to film covertly, post untraceable images, communicate secretly — and even control public and private security cameras.
Techtivist Report: Hiding in the Blogosphere
Ever wonder why they can’t bring down WikiLeaks? It’s because Julian Assange uses Tor. If you're writing your own blog that is controversial with authorities, here are some tips to stay hidden and avoid being tracked, monitored -- or worse.
Techtivist Report: A Pivotal Moment for Internet Freedom
The United Nations is planning to take over the Internet. No joke.