This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
consensus-based decision making
How Movements Decide: Formal Consensus and Its Discontents
One of the main attributes of Formal Consensus is the intention to be non-adversarial – to ignore the traditional “us vs. them” paradigm that has increasingly paralyzed politics – but in many cases it hasn't worked.
They Can't Represent Us: Why The Mask of Democracy Is Falling
A timely new book recounts stories of ordinary citizens around the world, providing unique insight into the massive, democratic mutiny that is brewing.
Introducing Loomio: Occupy-Inspired App For Consensus Decision Making
Modeled on the Occupy General Assembly, the consensus-based digital platform is already being used by activists in Ukraine.
On Founders and Keepers of Occupy Wall Street
Last week, a power struggle within an Occupy collective emerged into the public realm when one member took sole ownership of the @OccupyWallSt Twitter handle.