It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Crisis Next Time: Public Ownership As an Alternative to Corporate Bank Bailouts
The FIRE sector (finance, insurance and real estate) in the current corporate capitalist economy is dysfunctional and downright dangerous to the welfare of society. It's time for public ownership.
Political Corruption Is Ruining Everything, but We Can Fix It
A bold new idea from Washington that might truly beat back routinized scandal.
Republicans Are Planning to Unravel Wall Street Reform
The deceivingly titled "Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act" is a terrible bill that favors banks over people and allows the same risk in our financial system that the Dodd-Frank law eliminated.
How May I Screw You? Under Trump, the Payday-Loan Racket Is Resurgent
No one should need confirmation at this point that the Trump-Goldman junta is anything but a giant fuck-you to consumers and a big pink valentine for Wall Street. But if you’re still in doubt, just look at the CFPB's coddling of payday lenders.
Student Debt Slavery, Part II: Time to Level the Playing Field
Proposed federal changes will make it harder, not easier, for students to escape their debts, including wiping out some existing income-based repayment plans and harsher terms for graduate student loans. It's time to change that.
In the Dead of Night, Republicans Vote to Give Lawsuit Immunity to Banks
Draining the swamp indeed.
Proposed "Accountability Act" Gives Power to Fed to Shut Down Megabanks
Wells Fargo "definitely qualifies" to be shut down, said Maxine Waters (D-CA), who introduced the Megabank Accountability and Consequences Act last week.
Wells Fargo, Why Are You Still Here?
If the powers that be actually stood for consumer protection and legal ethics, rules, laws, enforcement and oversight, we’d be seeing a good old fashioned perp walk like we used to with Stumpf and Sloan in ankle chains and orange jumpsuits.
DeVos’s Education Budget Throws Students to the Loan Sharks
Slashing $10.6 billion from federal education funding, the new budget plan includes $500 million to invest in charter schools, $250 million in voucher program expansion funding, and $1 billion to “push public schools to adopt choice-friendly policies.”
Why Republicans Want to Kill the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The CFPB isn’t being targeted because it has failed. It has been targeted because it is succeeding – as of July it had returned $12 billion to more than 37 million victims of illegal banking practices. It must be defended at all costs.