It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
corporate profits
Prices, Plutocrats and Corporate Concentration
The larger our corporations become, the more unequal our societies become. But tougher antitrust enforcement and other legislative solutions could slow our rates of corporate concentration.
Robert Reich: How To Hold Corporations Accountable (video)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s new bill, the Accountable Capitalism Act, proposes that workers be able to elect at least 40 percent of large corporations' boards, and cracks down on corporate lawbreaking.
The Absurdity of Corporate Tax Cuts During the Corporate Pillaging of the Middle Class
Last year, fifteen of the largest corporations in America, with combined revenue well over $1 trillion dollars, paid less than 6 percent in U.S. federal income taxes. But mainstream media opinion editors don’t appear to have the courage to speak up.
10 Biggest Corporations Make More Money Than Most of World Combined
The world’s top ten corporations, including Apple, Shell and Walmart, have a combined revenue that is greater than the combined income of the 180 “poorest” countries out of the world’s total 195 sovereign states.
Elizabeth Warren’s Latest TPP Warning Backed by 200 Legal Scholars
Warren and hundreds of legal and economic scholars are warning that the pact's Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions overturn well-established legal systems and threaten the rule of law.
Verizon Strikers vs. U.S. Oligarchy: Here's What's Wrong with Our Economy
Verizon’s decision to prioritize short-term profits and executive compensation over investments in advanced services that rely on its skilled workforce makes it the poster child for corporate excess.
Corporate Profits and the Amazing Wealth Surge For The Top 0.1 Percent
New research finds that richest 0.1 percent of Americans have doubled their share of the pie, dramatically expanding their portion of the country's wealth in three decades.
The Bailout Next Time: Making the Bankers Squeal
During the financial crisis, the losses were so severe that every major investment bank on Wall Street should have collapsed. Will we learn from the corporate-government heist that enabled them to survive?
CEOs Against Grandmas: How an Unpatriotic Corporate Elite Are Pillaging Retirees
The loudest calls for Social Security cuts are coming from CEOs who will never have to worry about their own retirement security — yet are part of austerity armies determined to make older people pay.
How Redistribution to the Rich Has Furthered Poverty and Crushed the Middle Class
Because of the housing crisis and recession, the median family net worth dropped 40 percent between 2007 and 2010, while the richest Americans regained all their losses and began an even steeper climb to the top.