It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
corporate tax breaks
The Big Economic Switcheroo
Wealthy Americans finance the federal government mainly by lending it money and collecting interest payments on those loans, profiting when the rest of us pay them back. It's time to follow the money.
Taxing the Poor
As the gap between rich and poor widens, the political system becomes vulnerable to the sort of class conflict that now divides us – undermining the very possibility of a constitutional democracy.
Whether America Can Afford A Job Guarantee Program Is Not Up For Debate
Sen. Bernie Sanders's endorsement of a guaranteed job for anyone who wants one has reinvigorated a debate in which people instinctively ask: How on earth can we pay for that?
I'm A Millionaire Who Creates Zero Jobs. Why Do I Pay Less Tax than You?
Our tax code is deliberately designed to reward money over work, and the corporate tax cut financially rewards companies for moving money and jobs overseas.
Report Shows Nation's Richest To Enjoy $17 Billion Windfall Thanks to Huge Tax Loophole
Marketed as relief for "small businesses," the GOP tax law's 20% deduction for owners of "pass-through" entities like law firms and hedge funds will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans.
The 4 Biggest Banks Have Already Made $2.3 Billion Off Trump’s Tax Law
The president promised that his tax law would not favor the “wealthy and well-connected.”
Bernie Sanders: The Republican Budget Is a Gift to Billionaires – "It's Robin Hood in Reverse"
Donald Trump and Republican leaders claim their plan would provide a ‘big league’ tax cut for the middle class. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Absurdity of Corporate Tax Cuts During the Corporate Pillaging of the Middle Class
Last year, fifteen of the largest corporations in America, with combined revenue well over $1 trillion dollars, paid less than 6 percent in U.S. federal income taxes. But mainstream media opinion editors don’t appear to have the courage to speak up.
Here's How Corporations Rig the Rules to Dodge Paying $700 Billion In Taxes
Multinational corporations pay taxes on between just 3.0 and 6.6 percent of the profits they book in tax havens.
Bernie Sanders: Democrats Need to Wake Up
Surprise, surprise.