It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
corporate tax evasion
Cut Corporate Taxes? This is How the Biggest Companies Cheated on Taxes in 2016
Corporations make billions from U.S. research and education, but then they turn around and cheat us on taxes. And Republicans think corporations should get a tax break.
The Growing Case for Massive Taxes on the Rich
While candidates bicker and Congress stagnates and the rest of us dwell on the latest shooting tragedy, the super-rich enjoy the absence of attention paid to one of our nation’s most destructive issues: tax avoidance.
Leaks In Depth: New Database Reveals Thousands of Secret Offshore Companies
The searchable database published Monday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists displays more than 300,000 entities from the Panama Papers and Offshore Leaks investigations.
Beyond Panama - Why Oxfam's Latest Tax Haven Report Matters
The names on the list of "Broken At the Top" are like a who’s who of big business – and some of the headline figures are simply staggering.
Panama Fallout: Is Britain the Most Corrupt Country In the World? Part I
This leak is not any drop in any ocean – scrutinizing it has opened the world’s eyes to global tax dodging, especially by London which remains the "money tax haven of the world" with half of all tax evasion passing through it.
The Panama Papers Could Lead to Capitalism’s Great Crisis
Leak shows what much of the world's 99% believes – it’s just the tip of a much bigger iceberg.
Bernie Targets Top 10 Corporate Tax Dodgers On Eve Of Iowa Primary
Sanders pledged Friday to close loopholes that allow Fortune 500 companies to exploit offshore tax havens, which last year enabled them to avoid paying U.S. taxes on over $2.1 trillion in accumulated profits.
E.U. Rules Starbucks and Fiat Tax Deals Illegal – Companies Must Pay "Fair Share"
The bigger impact lies ahead for global corporations whose strategies to avoid tax are under attack on various fronts from cash-strapped governments.
Four Reasons Why Corporations Owe Us – and One Way to Pay
Because corporations have used our resources — research, infrastructure, environment, educational and legal systems — to develop technologies that have gradually reduced the need for human involvement, we all deserve to benefit.
The Curse of Oil In Uganda: As Black Gold Emerges, So Does Fear Of Economic Disease
With a $150 million World Bank loan, the Ugandan government plans to construct roads to service oil companies, provide scholarships for oil workers and fund an oil institute. But what about helping its own people?