We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
corporate trade deal
Rock Against the TPP: Artists & Celebrities Fight the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Join us for a nationwide uprising and concert tour to stop the biggest corporate power grab in history – with the next show happening this Friday in Toronto.
Elizabeth Warren Issues Scathing Report On America's – and Obama's – Broken Trade Promises
Warren's report detailed decades of failed trade enforcement by American presidents, including the current one.
Bernie Sanders Intervenes on Senate Floor Slowing Fast Track for TPP
This job-killing trade deal has been negotiated in secret, drafted with input by special interests and corporate lobbyists but not from the American people.
Tens Of Thousands March In Europe to Protest Rigged Corporate Trade
“We are convinced that the entire public interest is at stake, whether water, energy, health, and public transport – the communities are largely deprived of their ability to act."
A People's Block Rises to Challenge Congress On Fast Track Trade Deal
When the bill drops (if it does) this week, there will be a powerful people’s response across the country and around the world.
Playing 1% Rules: Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Won't Help Workers Or Consumers
The TPP is a classic expression of the way the rules are fixed to benefit the few and not the many: It has been negotiated in secret, and corporations and banks help shape it.
Demanding A Debate on the Trans-Pacific Partnership – History's Largest Trade Deal
A fast-tracked TPP would lock in a rigged set of economic rules, lasting potentially forever, before most Americans — let alone some members of Congress — have had a chance to understand it thoroughly.
Sen. Warren: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Clause Everyone Should Oppose
Agreeing to Investor-State Dispute Settlement in this enormous new treaty would tilt the playing field in the U.S. further in favor of big multinational corporations – worse, it would undermine U.S. sovereignty.
Don't Trade Away Our Health for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
If big pharmaceutical companies hold sway, the TPP could block cheaper generic drugs from the market – causing big Pharma’s profits to rise at the expense of the health of patients and the budgets of consumers and governments.