It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
credit default swaps
The Road to Serfdom, Part V
In today's bailout economy, bad bank loans are shifted onto the public balance sheet as wealth is siphoned off to the top of the economic pyramid.
Revealed: Report Shows Wall Street Ripped Off Los Angeles for $200 Million
The fees Wall Street extracts from public entities like the ones in L.A. could total more than $50 billion a year – enough to provide free tuition at every public college and university in the country.
The Global Banking Game Is Rigged – And the FDIC Is Suing
Taxpayers are paying billions of dollars for a swindle pulled off by the world’s biggest banks using a form of derivative called interest-rate swaps – which are now a $426 trillion business.
Let's Get This Straight: AIG Execs Got Bailout Bonuses But Pensioners Get Cuts
In contrast to top AIG executives who helped bankrupt their company and sink the economy, no one has accused city workers in Chicago or Detroit of doing anything wrong. They did their jobs — so why are they the ones facing pension cuts?
A Credit Union in Puget Sound Elects a Different Future
The Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union in Washington State has helped locals divest from JPMorgan Chase and now holds $30 million of the community's assets.
"Occupy Finance" Book Launches on #S17 the 2nd Anniversary of Occupy Movement
The elements of the next crisis are being put in place at this very moment by some of the same people and institutions that brought us the last one. In the meantime, we've seen no reckoning, no apologies and no serious changes to the laws.
Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-Hairs
Syria provides free education, free medical care and subsidized housing for everyone. But even more threateningly to Wall Street-style finance, it has state-owned central banks that issue national currency and are under government control.
Investigation: What the JPMorgan Chase Energy Scandal Reveals About Fossil Fuel Financing
JPMorgan Chase's criminal, "systemic cover-up" in its manipulation of energy markets reveals a sea change, as banks have gone from simply financing the dirty energy sector to becoming producers and distributors in those markets.