It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Democracy Collaborative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Should Nationalize Utilities
PG&E is asking for a bailout. Instead, we should make that utility, and all utilities, public assets.
Act Out! [88] - Stop Blaming Start Acting & What’s Next After Capitalism?
Looking at the road ahead, we gotta focus, think, unite and act.
From Cleveland to Oakland to Rochester, Urban Governments Are Promoting Worker Co-ops
Since the Evergreen Cooperatives loan in 2009, nine more city governments have promoted worker co-ops through municipal projects, initiatives or policies aimed at reaching communities left out of mainstream economic development.
Owning is the New Sharing
People are tired of seeing their communities treated like commodities, and they're looking for ways to build platforms of their own.
From Incubation to Equity, Worker Cooperatives Growing Stronger in U.S.
Some 30,000 cooperatives now operate within the U.S., employing over 2 million people and paying out an estimated $75 billion annually in wages.
Will McCutcheon Be Rallying Cry for Movement to "End the Rule of Money"?
The legitimacy of the U.S. government is now in question. It is up to us to use McCutcheon to energize the movement against money-corruption of the government and economy.
Welcome to Commonomics: Learning to Build Local, Self-Reliant Economies
When it comes to sustainability and localism, people excluded from policymaking often have the most innovative ideas for building strength.