It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Capitalism v. Freedom, Part II
Concentrated corporate power must be dismantled and democracy substituted for it – a global project that will take generations but is likely to develop momentum as society experiences ever-greater crises.
How the Anti-Democracy Movement Used Media to Command the Narrative
The deregulation of media in the 1990s illustrates the effectiveness of the Anti-Democracy Movement in convincing Republicans and Democrats alike that a narrow, market-driven, anti-government approach was imperative—even if it led to oligopoly.
Trump Has Secretive Teams to Roll Back Regulations, Led by Hires With Deep Industry Ties
We’ve found many appointees with potential conflicts of interest, including two who might personally profit if particular regulations are undone.
12 Major Reasons Why Americans Became Poor
Multiple developments contributed in recent decades to the decline of prosperity – much of it due to deliberate but gradual social and financial engineering.
David Graeber's Utopia of Rules: Why Deregulation Is Actually Expanding Bureaucracy
His new book asserts that the 1% pushes a message of deregulation even as it feeds off an ever-growing global regulatory system of its own making.
The Time For A New Economics Is At Hand
Just as Occupy Wall Street aimed at exposing the failures of the financial industry, the kick-it-over campaign aims to expose the failures of the economics profession.
Why the Rich Are Getting Richer – And Why It Could Get Much Worse
Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz has been writing about America’s economically divided society since the 1960s.
Why Support the TPP When It Will Let Foreign Corporations Take Our Democracies To Court?
If a corporation’s profits or operations will be restricted by a country’s laws or the decisions of its courts, under the TPP it will be able to sue.
Sweatshops on Wheels: This is What Privatizing Public Transit Looks Like
The deterioration of the nation’s public transportation, like its health care, education, social services, public utilities, bridges and roads, is part of the relentless seizing and harvesting of public resources and programs by corporations.
Snapped in Two: The Human Costs of Deregulation
Conservatives believe that enriching individuals will eventually enrich society, and that government should not get in the way of the process. We're now at the mercy of those deregulators. And these five big downward trends happen as a result.