Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
Espionage Act
The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution
Vast troves of U.S. secrets get regularly leaked by skilled teams of government officials engaged in propaganda campaigns to influence public opinion — posing a far graver threat to national security than revelations by Edward Snowden.
Bradley Manning to Request Pardon from Obama Over 35-Year Jail Sentence
The sentence was more severe than many observers expected, and is much longer than any punishment given to previous U.S. government officials who have leaked information to the media.
Protect Journalists and Whistleblowers: Amend or Repeal the Espionage Act
To treat government employees or contractors who leak classified information to the media in the public interest as foreign spies is a deep stain on our democracy. And it's high time to permanently remove this stain.
Spying on Americans: A Very Old Story
There is nothing new about political surveillance. In the United States, political spying by the federal government began in the early part of the twentieth century.
Whistleblowing 2.0: From the Pentagon Papers to Bradley Manning to PRISM
From Edward Snowden’s bombshell revelations about the extent of state snooping, to the ongoing court martial of Private Bradley Manning, 2013 has become the year of the whistleblower.
From Philippines to NSA: 111 Years of the U.S. Surveillance State
Over the past century — from America's war in the Philippines in 1902, to the National Security Act of 1947, to the NSA's spying program in 2013 — we can see a disturbing continuum.
Facing Charges of Espionage, Edward Snowden Seeks Asylum in Ecuador
Who is actually bringing injury to America" those who are secretly building a massive surveillance system or those who inform citizens that it's being done?
What the Progressive Caucus Said - and Failed to Say - About Edward Snowden and the NSA
Leaders and members of the Progressive Caucus in Congress say things that appeal to their constituencies back home — without throwing down the gauntlet and battling an administration that has made clear its contempt for essential civil liberties.
The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning
The documents that detail the crimes, torture and killing Manning revealed, because they are classified, have been barred from discussion in court, effectively removing the fundamental issue of war crimes from the trial.
The NSA, Surveillance and the Chronic State of Terror
Why would a court order, or the government that created it, or the major telecommunication company that enforced it, have a problem discussing details of the agreement if their intentions were as sacred as they claimed?