There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Stopping Europe's Authoritarian Slide Has As Much to Do With Spain As Poland
The Nazis marching on the streets of Poland look similar to the Nazis marching on the Spanish streets calling for "unity." The difference is this: In Spain there is no breakthrough for any anti-European party. Authoritarianism, rather, is coming from the ruling Partido Popular.
Ukrainian Journalist: 10 Things The West Needs To Know About The Crisis In Kiev
This article was submitted to Business Insider by Taras Ilkiv, who felt that outsiders needed to comprehend the situation in Kiev.
A Tax That May Change the Trading Game
To the dismay of the United States government — not to mention Wall Street — much of Europe seems poised to begin taxing financial trading as soon as next year.
Pan-European Resistance to Austerity Grows
The reality of how much Britain's government has given to bankers is phenomenal: the bailout is worth eight times the spending on healthcare, or 15 years worth of education funds.