This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
European Union
Italy Moves to Ban Monsanto's GM Maize, With 80% Public Support
Citing environmental concerns, Italy's Agriculture Ministry announced Friday a decree banning the cultivation of Monsanto's MON810 maize, the only genetically modified crop grown commercially in Europe.
Global Resistance to Tax Havens is Growing — Especially in Europe
Tax havens cause billions in annual damage to national economies around the world. The recent Offshore Leaks investigative reports are helping fuel efforts in Europe and the U.S. to have them eliminated.
Doing the Math: Profits and Loss in the E.U. Crisis
Politicians like to argue that we are "all in it together" when it comes to austerity measures, but there are definitely winners and losers in the current Euro crisis.
The Great European Fire Sale
An economic crisis that many proclaimed as the "death of neoliberalism" has instead been used to entrench neoliberalism.
In London, Activists Use Theater to Hammer Austerity and Elitism
London activists used satirical theatre to draw attention to an "obscene congregation of wealth and gluttony" ahead of the European international anti-austerity general strike that's shaking Europe.
For Our Corporate Masters, First Greece, Then Us
If the corporate masters with their austerity regime are successful, Greece will be run by transnational CEOs via the European Union. The country's collapse and the privatization of its commons will be Globalism's first takedown. Soon, it will happen to us.
"Eyes With No Memory See Nothing": The E.U. Pushes Greece to the Brink
The esteemed ladies and gentlemen in Oslo are acting on false hopes, not reality, in awarding the Peace Prize to a European Union whose policies are pushing Greece to the brink of economic and social disaster.