The American people clearly spoke, and the drubbing Democrats received requires looking beyond just issue polls, voting patterns, campaign strategy, or get-out-the-vote tactics.
Exposing ALEC: When Will U.S. Media Shine a Light on the Dark Lobby Empire?
Since 2011, the arch-conservative American Legislative Exchange Council has lost more than 60 corporate members and nearly 400 state legislative members. But even this apparently isn't news enough to expose the shadow group.
Cashing in on Catastrophe: How to Stop the Climate Crisis Profiteers
Rather than burying their heads in the sands, political and business leaders are maintaining the pretense to tackle climate change while actually focusing instead on how to manage its impacts—through militarization-—in the interests of elites.
What are Facebook and Google Doing in Bed with Climate Deniers?
We propose the “No Deniers Rule” as a good starting place for any company that wants to be on the right side of history in the climate fight — that goes for the tech giants that falsely burnish green credentials while supporting climate destruction.
Revealed: Big Oil Lobbyists and Executives Dominate New Fracking Climate Study
Stacked with former and current oil industry lobbyists, the UT-Austin Steering Committee roster to study methane releases from fracking is proof positive of a conflict of interest in "frackademia."
Trash the TPP: Why It's Time to Revolt Against the Worst "Trade Agreement" in History
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will make transnational corporations more powerful than government, which is why negotiations are being done entirely in secret, and why we must educate ourselves now to stop it.
Pipeline Scandal Deepens: Obama Attorney's Law Firm Works for TransCanada
A new investigation reveals that Robert Bauer, former White House Counsel and President Obama’s personal attorney, works at a corporate law firm representing TransCanada — the company that hopes to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
Exposed: State Dept.'s Keystone XL Contractor Blatantly Lied About Ties to Big Oil
A major research dossier unfurled this week shows the ERM Group openly lied about its connections to Big Oil, tar sands and TransCanada.
This 4th of July, Remembering Theodore Dreiser and What "Radically American" Means
Unlike his fiction, Dreiser’s political prose is less well known. But today's conditions of corruption and inequality again, as in his time, demand us to be “radically American”: a term that Dreiser used to describe himself.
Rural Resistance: 7th Town in Maine Passes Resolution Opposing Tar Sands Pipeline
Otisfield residents voted overwhelmingly to pass a municipal resolution that opposes sending tar sands oil through ExxonMobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline -- making it the 7th Maine town to officially oppose the plan.
Global Power Project, Part 1: Exposing the Transnational Capitalist Class
The cross-membership that exists between boards of corporations, think tanks, foundations, educational institutions and advisory groups has made today's elites a highly integrated, organized and evolved social group.