It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
factory farms
Factory Farming Divestment Movement Puts Animal Welfare In Spotlight
Hoping to echo the success of the fossil fuel divestment movement, campaigners are now urging investors to wake up to the financial risk for businesses that rely on meat, dairy and eggs produced through antibiotics and factory-style farms.
How Crony Capitalism and Deregulation Poisoned Toledo's Water
Like other water-related crises this year in West Virginia and Detroit, the poisoning of Toledo's water is tied to corruption at the highest levels of state government by corporate special interests.
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.
A Consumer Guide for Boycotting Factory Farms
There are plenty of reasons to boycott factory farms, including the top two: your health and animal welfare. But the big-picture reason is this. The only way to feed the world and restore climate stability is to restore efficiency to our food system.