It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
FBI entrapment
Manufacturing Terror: How the FBI Invents Some Plots, and Ignores Others, In the War on Freedom
Most Americans know there have been dubious prosecutions in the FBI’s ongoing effort to thwart terror attacks on American soil – but unfortunately, it seems many Americans are too scared to care.
Report: Government Agents "Directly Involved" In Most High-Profile U.S. Terror Plots
The study released Monday by Human Rights Watch raises questions about the criminal justice system's ability to respect civil rights and due process since 9/11.
Recent Crimes of the FBI: Who Is Watching the Watchers?
Is the FBI the kind of government institution we want to keep funding with our taxes – and are its actions acceptable to a public that's been made to look and feel ever more like the enemy, rather than the protected?
Recent Crimes of the FBI: Is Agency America's Greatest Threat to Domestic Freedoms?
The agency is not only guilty of withholding information, but also of entrapment and the outright creation of so-called terrorists.
Victims of Police Entrapment, NATO 3 Sentenced to Multiple-Year Jail Terms
Three activists accused of plotting to firebomb high-profile targets during the 2012 NATO Summit were sentenced Friday.
Ending the Chicago Tribune’s Propaganda War Against Public Dissent
The NATO 3’s ‘crime’ — assembling four primitive Molotov cocktails on the eve of a protest — was wholly initiated, incited and put into motion by two undercover cops.
Exposed: NATO 3 Trial Reveals Entrapment, Police Misconduct, Faulty Evidence
When police encourage and orchestrate ”terrorist plots,” and then arrest their ”co-conspirators” prior to the act, can you call it law enforcement? We're about to find out with the trial of the NATO 3 in Chicago.
What Informs an Informant: The Untold Story of Brandon Darby
The new film Informant reconstructs Darby’s history of engagement with social justice groups.