There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Financial Services Modernization Act
My Party Has Lost Its Soul: Former Clinton Aide Laments Victory for Wall Street Democrats
We yearn for a new politics but worry that our democracy, like that Antarctic ice shelf, has reached its tipping point.
Taibbi: The Vampire Squid Strikes Again – With Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet
Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever.
We Are All Connected: Hearing The Message of Indigenous Tribes
In the current United States, from the Indigenous point of view, it is as though a chief can have 99 buffalo for himself while he looks down at the community trying to live on one buffalo. This is a model for community or Tribal extinction.