It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
financial transactions tax
What States Can Do to Reduce Poverty and Inequality Through Tax Policy
State governments have an opportunity to act to close the loopholes that hide and protect the wealth of the top 1%, remedy the impact of the new federal tax law, and make critical investments in communities.
Elizabeth Warren Calls On Americans To Fight Wall Street
In launching a new coalition to reign in the power of the big banks, Warren warned said taxpayers still may have to bail them out: “Dodd-Frank imposed some discipline, but let’s get real. Dodd-Frank did not end too big to fail.”
Why Isn’t Everyone In Favor of Taxing Financial Speculation?
Wall Street Insiders who trade on confidential information unavailable to small investors don’t improve the productivity of financial markets. They just rig the game for themselves.
Why Student Loans are Creating a Permanent U.S. Underclass
With private lenders out of the business, government is now in charge of issuing newer debt – but rather than alleviating the problem faced by young Americans, some programs on offer seem as predatory as what came before them.
The Financial Transactions Tax Could Be a Game Changer on Wall Street
The FTT proposed last week by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would impose a sales tax on stocks and other financial assets, forcing speculators to pay a tax on their trades just like people who buy shoes or clothes.
Broad Coalition of Nurses, Students, Labor, Environmentalists Support Robin Hood Tax
There is widespread support for Sen. Bernie Sanders's proposals, introduced Tuesday in Congress, to use a Robin Hood tax on stock transactions to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities.