There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Flush the TPP
Act Out! [83] - Monsanto Taken to Court, A Global Food Fight, Bees & Lame Ducks
This week, Monsanto gets its day in court at the International Court of Justice in the Hague...
Act Out! [62]: Audio Podcast – How to Fight the World's Dirtiest Energy
This week: Energy – Break Free from Fossil Fuels.
Act Out! [62] - How to Fight the World's Dirtiest Energy, Corporate Coups & How the East Was Lost
This week on Act Out!, Break Free from fossil fuels, rebel against the fracking infrastructure, and glean some inspiration from our European anti-corporate coup comrades.
Act Out! [48] - Egypt from the Streets, fight back THIS Week & the Irradiated States of America
This week we passed the five-year anniversary of Tahrir Square, but do we even know – or care – what's happening there now, and do we see the parallels with what's going on right here? We speak with an Egyptian activist who sets the record straight.
Act Out! [47] - Digging deep into the methane leak, show up against TPP & feel-good stories
This week – Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's energy program is gonna give you all the nasty details on the methane leak in California – the backstory, present putrid mess and what's next.
Act Out! [39] - Fall Rising, Democracy Spring, Stuart Schuffman, and Don't Buy Shit
This week we're flushing the TPP, joining the fight against money in politics, and opting out of Black Friday.
Act Out! [36] - Big Banks, America’s biggest cash crop isn’t American & white privilege is a thing
First up this week: race issues. What race issues? A brief but important segment specifically designed for my fellow white people. Next, Uncle Sam hates immigrants, but he doesn't mind making money off of 'em.
Act Out! [29] - Occupy the Senate, TPP free zones & our plastic lives
This week, Margaret Flowers thinks it's about fucking time we got some more activists into the halls of the mighty – from occupying the streets to occupying Congress.
Students Nationwide Rally To Topple the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Obama administration is going to great lengths to make sure that people do not know what is in the TPP before it gets signed into law.
Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership Document Reveals Failed Enforcement of Environmental Protections
The once seemingly invincible largest trade bill in history, covering 40% of the world’s economy, looks very much like it can be defeated. Let's put a stake in it.