This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
fracking regulations
The Frack Rebellion Is Now: Breaking the Law In Order To Uphold It
These activists are waging a war against a corporate state that is deaf and blind to the rights of its citizens and the imperative to protect the ecosystem – and they're being monitored, demonized and criminalized in the process.
Tensions Flare Over Controversial Fracking Bill In Germany
The newly proposed law takes a middle-of-the-road approach to the polarizing issue – imposing strict rules on fracking while failing to outlaw the gas drilling process outright.
Obama Administration Issues New Fracking Rules to Mixed Response
The Obama administration on Friday made its most significant move yet toward regulating hydraulic fracturing, forcing companies to disclose which chemicals they're injecting into the ground and enabling government inspection of drill sites.
Exposed: Britain's “Any Substance” Law Bars Landowners From Opposing Fracking
The nationwide proposal will make it legal for fracking companies to drill 300 meters beneath private land without requiring the permission of landowners.
Groundbreaking Report Reveals High-Scale Damage From Fracking
A new study found that 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater and 450,000 tons of air pollution was generated by hydraulic fracturing in 2012 alone.
Steingraber's Manifesto for a Fracking Abolitionist Movement
A new salvo has been fired in the national battle against fracking, as ecologist Sandra Steingraber denounces Illinois’ new fracking regulations in her newly released manifesto.