It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
free market economics
Capitalism vs. Freedom, Part I
The spectacle of millions adhering to such a breathtakingly stupid ideology as libertarianism would be comical if it weren’t so tragic.
Capitalism as Obstacle to Equality and Democracy: The U.S. Story
The conclusion we draw from the U.S. story is not that efforts to reverse deepening inequality are foredoomed to failure – it is that mere reforms such as tax law changes are inadequate to the task. To make reforms stick requires going further to basic system change.
A Powerful Economic Justice Movement Is Brewing, Even in This Dark Time
Today’s dire threats to our democracy did not arise out of nowhere.
All Change or No Change? Culture, Power and Activism in an Unquiet World, Part III
We see it as a task for 21st century social movements to "make the invisible visible."
Capitalism Is Just a Story and Other Dangerous Thoughts, Part II
The only way to change our economic system is to change what the system values – and to change the very rules that articulate and maintain those values.