There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Free Trade Agreements
Germany's Vice Chancellor Gabriel: US-EU trade talks 'have failed'
Sigmar Gabriel, the Minister for Economic Affairs and head of the Social Democrats, said Sunday that after 14 rounds of talks, the U.S. and E.U. have yet to agree on even one chapter out of the 27 being discussed.
Medical Injustice: Trans-Pacific Partnership Enriches Big Pharma at Cost Of People’s Health
Through "evergreening,” pharmaceutical companies could could retain ownership of and royalties to drugs for which their patents have expired – limiting access to generic forms of medicine that millions need.
Protesters Disrupt Senate Hearing Over Fast Track for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Fast Track is far from a "done deal" in the United States, and foreign negotiators ought to be cautious before accepting provisions that will harm their population.
Fast Track on Is Not A Done Deal – The People Will Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership
There is bi-partisan opposition in Congress to Fast Track the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and a large movement of movements mobilized to stop it.
People Vs. Fast Track: Time To Stop the Biggest Corporate Coup Of Our Generation
Transnational corporations are pushing 12 governments to approve an omnibus package of corporate dream policies on energy, finance, intellectual property, agriculture, and more – disguised as a trade deal called TPP.
Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Is a Pending Disaster
The TPP is a Trojan horse in a global race to the bottom, giving big corporations and Wall Street banks a way to eliminate any and all laws and regulations that get in the way of their profits.
Why Support the TPP When It Will Let Foreign Corporations Take Our Democracies To Court?
If a corporation’s profits or operations will be restricted by a country’s laws or the decisions of its courts, under the TPP it will be able to sue.
Now Is Critical Moment To Kill Widely Unpopular Global Trade Agreements
The opposition is global and growing louder – which is why we're poised to halt attempts by corporations and governments to push through these mega-deals for multinationals.
The Coming Calamity, The Coming Resistance – Part I
From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to the Trade In Services Agreement, massive trade deals are being advanced in coordination with a militarized police state.
The Truth About Extreme Global Inequality
The richest 300 people on earth have more wealth than the poorest 3 billion. We need to change the rules, and we need to do it quickly.