It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Freedom of Information Act
Government Can Spy On U.S. Journalists Using Invasive Foreign Intelligence Process
The U.S. government can monitor journalists under a foreign intelligence law that allows invasive spying and operates outside the traditional court system, according to newly released documents.
Journalists Lash Out Against Proposed Laws Restricting UK Press Freedom
Britain's media has been flooded with petitions, emotional speeches and general confusion about the government's proposed changes to Freedom of Information requests, which signal a chilling of press freedom.
U.S. Sets New Record For Denying Federal Files Under Freedom of Information Act
The Obama administration redacted and denied government files in record numbers for the second consecutive year.
"A Line in the Sand" in Fight to Release Thousands of Photos of Prisoner Abuse
A federal judge is demanding that the government explain, photo-by-photo, why it can’t release hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of pictures showing detainee abuse by U.S. forces at military prison sites in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ferguson Police Requested Massive No-Fly Zone To Prevent Media Coverage
Newly released audio recordings raise serious questions about whether police violated the constitutional rights of journalists covering civil unrest in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.
The Coming Climate Revolt: Why Today's Generation Must Take the Helm
The corporate elites will not veer from our path towards ecocide unless they are forced from power – and this means the beginning of a titanic clash between our corporate masters and ourselves.
Exclusive: Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Four months after Hastings's fatal car accident in L.A., new facts and evidence continue to emerge raising serious questions about whether the journalist was assassinated, the breadth of cyber-techniques that may have been used, and who might have done it.
Hedges: The Sparks of Rebellion
With the decimation of U.S. manufacturing along with the dismantling of our unions and opposition parties, we will have to search for different instruments of rebellion.
India's Right to Information Act is Exposing Nationwide Corruption
The RTI is India’s version of the Freedom of Information Act in the United States.
Wall Street's Highest Executives at Goldman, Treasury and FED Implicated By Citigroup Whistleblower
Hank Paulson and Robert Rubin are among the corporate executives / government leaders threatened by Richard Bowen's truth-telling, which is why the former Citibank Executive's story of criminal injustice hasn't made it out.