We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
General Mills
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.
Money Laundering, Misinforming and Pro-GMO: Abolish the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association
The GMA stands beside Monsanto as the most vile, physically harmful corporation in the global food industry, going to any lengths to keep cheap GMO foods flowing.
General Mills Bans GMOs in Cheerios, Setting New Bar for Cereal Production
Across America the news was greeted with measured optimism as food activists praised the company's decision, saying it would help end the still-popular belief that GMOs are a viable, sustainable future solution for food production.
Millions Against Monsanto: Five Lessons from the Battle Against GMOs
Win or lose in Washington State on Election Day, the anti-GMO movement has evolved into a savvy army of grassroots activists committed to an ongoing battle to reclaim our food and farming systems.
Why Monsanto and Big Foods Are Spending Millions to Defeat Washington's GMO Labeling Law
The Grocery Manufacturers of America has revealed that some of its most powerful members funneled millions of dollars through the trade group to oppose I-522, a Washington initiative that will require labeling foods with GMO ingredients.
Moms For Labeling Fined $10,000 in Washington's GMO Showdown
A group of mothers has been fined $10,000 for suing the Grocery Manufacturers Association for its violation of state campaign finance laws.
The Great GMO Boycott: Could the World's Most Hated Corporation Finally Be On The Run?
The anti-GMO movement has identified Monsanto’s Achilles heel—GMO food labeling at the state level—and our common task now is to win the all-important Washington State ballot initiative I-522.
Farmers-Consumers vs. Monsanto: Many Davids Can Topple One Goliath
Global resistance to Monsanto is growing as people rise up to reclaim food and seed sovereignty.