It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
global protests
At 2.6 Million Strong, Women's Marches Crush Expectations
What began as a Facebook post by a Hawaii grandmother the day after Hillary Clinton's loss in November blossomed into a massive protest uniting people of all ages, races and religions who turned out across the globe.
"Young People Are Losing Faith In Capitalism": An Interview with ROAR Magazine's Jerome Roos
Jerome Roos started ROAR Magazine just as the Arab Spring was getting underway, and today it has evolved into a global alternative news outlet covering social movements with a uniquely radical lens.
Cracks in Capitalism, Part III: "The Divide" Shows Inequality On the Big Screen
Katharine Round’s new documentary, "The Divide," adds substantially to the debate around inequality as it explains in clear terms how our 35-year experiment in neoliberalism has failed spectacularly.
Decade of the Protester? Why the Uprisings Are Far From Over
It is clear that the days of innocence are over – and that if 2014 has shown us anything, it is that none of the structural causes that gave rise to the post-2011 cycle of struggles have ever been truly addressed.
15 Years After Seattle WTO Uprising, Global Democratic Rebellions Keep Getting Louder
Before Seattle, corporatization rolled forward with an air of inevitability – but the uprising that began the 21st century unleashed a new global spirit of democratic resistance and revolution.
World of Resistance Report: Davos Class Jittery Amid Growing Warnings of Global Unrest
Oligarchic interests represented at the World Economic Forum have recently taken keen interest in the potential for social upheaval as a result of mass inequality, global youth unemployment and poverty.
Around the World in 843 Protests: Living the Most Revolutionary Times in History
Revolts are shaking the world, bursting in the most unexpected places, but they rarely take power. Is the big explosion still coming?
Why Brazil's Rational Response to Protests Is An Example To Follow
Brazil's government has chosen an unorthodox response to the massive protests that swept the country — it actually responded to protestors' demands. Could it be an example for other countries to follow?