It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Golden Dawn
Not Just Skin Deep: Europe Reflects On America's Gun and Race Violence Epidemic
Race-related tensions have always coincided with economic recessions. But are we today facing a crisis point of open-ended, pointless violence – or is this simply a preamble to a truly nightmarish century?
As Greek Election Nears, Golden Dawn Rises On Austerity-Driven Despair
The fascist, immigrant-bashing party has shed boots for suits and toned down its rhetoric to emerge as Europe’s most dangerous political force.
Greece's Other Story: Golden Dawn and the Dangerous Rise of Europe's Far Right
Continued austerity policies, especially in Europe’s poorer countries, could leave those left behind looking for scapegoats – a situation that history teaches us never ends well.
Occupy Syriza: Economic Tremors Spread Through Europe In Aftermath of Greek Election
The victory of Greece's leftwing Syriza party is sending shockwaves through Europe’s political establishment as popular resistance to the politics of austerity builds.
Exclusive: Euro-Crisis Report Links Bailouts and Austerity To Fascism's Rise Across Europe
In "False Dilemmas," Christina Laskaridis explores the origins and impacts of the debt crisis – looking at who engineered the bank bailouts, how they were able to get away with it, and what Europe has been left with.
From Occupation To Reconstruction: This Movement Is Just Beginning
The networks of activists that formed in the midst of 2011’s worldwide wave of protest are no longer focusing on opposing an unjust system – they’re testing ways to replace it with something new.
What the Left Can Learn From the Far Right's Political Gains In Europe
The extreme right has worked hard to make themselves more palatable – while demonstrating that the old formula of scapegoating the already marginalized continues to be a winner.
Right Wing Nationalists and Left Groups Sweep to Victory Across Europe
Four days of elections across 28 countries resulted in radical and nationalist anti-E.U. forces scoring major victories both on the far right and the hard left.
Why Is Greece's Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party Rising In Popularity?
Why party members support the anti-immigration and ethnically “pure” platform of the Golden Dawn remains confounding within modern Greek politics — though it's a window into better understanding the direction the country is heading on immigration.
Greek Journalist Who Leaked "Lagarde List" of Tax Evaders Faces Retrial
The Greek journalist Kostas Vaxevanis, who caused an uproar by publishing the so-called "Lagarde list" of 2,000 suspected tax evaders from his country who hold bank accounts in Switzerland, is on trial in Athens on charges of infringing privacy laws.